Cómo aumenté las ventas y ganancias de Email Marketing SaaS un 3,813% en un año.

How I Grew an Email Marketing SaaS SEO Sales and Revenues by 3,813% in a Year

Let's improve your SEO strategy together

Email me to book a free SEO analysis on your website and learn how we can help your business with SEO

What I do

I’m an SEO Consultant with over 6 years of experience in SEO for e-commerce, SaaS, consumer goods, education, publishing, and Web3 companies. Also, I’m an SEO instructor and the founder of aprendoseo, a Spanish language learning platform that offers comprehensive SEO courses, informative videos, and engaging content.

How I Grew an Email Marketing SaaS SEO Sales and Revenues by 3,813% in a Year

This client is an email marketing automation platform that helps businesses create and automate targeted email campaigns. 

It offers features such as email templates, segmentation, reporting, and integrations with other marketing tools to increase engagement and drive conversions.

The challenge

In June 2022, the email marketing SaaS brand requested my SEO support for their site. At that point, their SEO revenue from the previous year was $1,533. They did not have any SEO content strategy created, did not perform link building before, nor were optimizing their top-ranking pages.

This is how their website’s organic traffic looked like in July 2022:

Sendlane sells 2021

These were their SEO sales from May 2021 to May 2022:

Sendlane sells 2021

My SEO solution

To optimize their website, I rapidly suggested conducting a tech audit, performing an SEO data and competitor analysis, providing conversion rate optimization (CRO) suggestions, and optimizing top-ranking pages.

Also, I suggested creating a three-month content plan, including keyword research, and performing ongoing on-page and new content creation. 

Additionally, I started doing consultancy and link-building creation as an effective strategy for rankings improvement and authority.

The deliverables 

I collaborated with the client monthly to deliver:

  • Keyword research and content plan for the month (8 keywords per month). 
  • Keyword and search intent-focused blog content: using NLP software and tools. 
  • SEO content briefs and SEO guidelines for writers: research-based content outlines before they are drafted (8 briefs per month).
  • SEO on-page optimizations and implementation on their CMS. 
  • Structured and straightforward internal linking. 
  • Monthly, quarterly, and yearly reports and goals-setting meetings. 

The results 

Organic Traffic from Search

Organic traffic Sendlane

Source: Google Search Console 

In the time working with the client, together we’ve produced 80+ blog posts, 80+ links, and 25+ on-page optimizations, resulting in the following outcomes:

  • Sales increased by 3,813.37% from the previous year
  • Organic search clicks increased by 105.60% within a year
  • Organic search impressions increased by 50.79% within a year

Sendlane sales after

Source: Hubspot

Sendlane Google Analytics

Source: Google Analytics

Due to the collaborative efforts of their team and me, the email marketing SaaS regularly creates SEO-optimized quality content on their website, which answers questions and explains topics people in the industry are looking for.

Sendlane Google Search Console

Source: Google Search Console

If you are looking to grow your SEO strategies or to start utilizing SEO consultancy services, I would be interested in working with you and your company. My expertise and experience in the field guarantee results within a short period of time. With my assistance, you can improve your website´s ranking and attract more traffic, increasing visibility and revenue.

If you have any questions, please feel free to contact us at [email protected]

Let's improve your SEO strategy together

Email me to book a free SEO analysis on your website and learn how we can help your business with SEO

Cómo el SEO hizo crecer las ventas de un negocio de comercio electrónico un 7,694%

How SEO grew the sales of an e-commerce business by 7,694%.

Let's improve your SEO strategy together

Email me to book a free SEO analysis on your website and learn how we can help your business with SEO

Who am I 

I’m an SEO Consultant with over 6 years of experience in SEO for e-commerce, SaaS, consumer goods, education, publishing, and Web3 companies. Also, I’m an SEO instructor and the founder of aprendoseo, a Spanish language learning platform that offers comprehensive SEO courses, informative videos, and engaging content. Aprendoseo: a Spanish-language platform that offers SEO courses, informative videos, and relevant content.


How SEO grew the sales of an e-commerce business by 7,694%.

The client is an American e-commerce business. It provided vapers with a varied selection of electronic cigarettes or "Vapes" with direct shipment to their doors at the best possible price. 


The challenge

In November 2021, the client requested my SEO services for their newly created e-commerce website. When I looked into it, they already had a Shopify store running for only a few months. However, none of their products were indexed in Google. Nor was there any content, nor had they conducted a keyword search for their homepage, their two sub-pages, or their 40 products listed there.

This is how their metrics stood on its website in November 2021:

My SEO solution

I immediately suggested technical SEO implementations to make their website visible to search engines. Then, my focus shifted to creating content for their blog subfolder.

These are some of the solutions I created and implemented for their vape e-commerce business:  

  • Keyword-focused content strategy: planned content based and developed on genuine user searches.
  • SEO content briefs and SEO guidelines for writers: research-based content outlines before they are drafted (8 briefs per month). 
  • Content creation: more than 1,500 words for each blog - Creation and organization of content in the form of pillars within your blog subfolder.
  • Keyword and search intent-focused blog content: using NLP software and tools. 
  • Structured and straightforward internal linking. 
  • Product listing optimization: we apply SEO to titles, H1, descriptions, etc. 

In addition, I implemented link-building through a partner agency and, as a result, helped the client gain more visibility and authority.


The deliverables

I worked with this e-cigarette business every month to accomplish the following: 

  • Keyword research and content plan for the month (10 keywords per month).
  • Content briefs and outlines (10 monthly briefs).
  • Keyword optimization in blog articles (10 articles per month).
  • Product categorization and list optimization (10 monthly optimizations).
  • Suggestions and Implementations of Texts for Banners.
  • Monthly, quarterly, and yearly reports and goals-setting meetings. 


The results

In the time working with the client, together we’ve produced 80+ blog posts, 80+ links, and 25+ on-page optimizations, resulting in the following outcomes:

  • Sales increased by 7,694%.
  • Sessions increased by 28.898%.
  • Organic clicks increased by 68,033%.

Organic Traffic from Search 

Due to the collaborative efforts of their team and me, the email marketing SaaS regularly creates SEO-optimized quality content on their website, which answers questions and explains topics people in the industry are looking for.


If you are looking to grow your SEO strategies or to start utilizing SEO consultancy services, I would be interested in working with you and your company. My expertise and experience in the field guarantee results within a short period of time. With my assistance, you can improve your website´s ranking and attract more traffic, increasing visibility and revenue.

Let's improve your SEO strategy together

Email me to book a free SEO analysis on your website and learn how we can help your business with SEO